An Original Idea: Frat Boy to Yogi by Jackson Hall
Jackson at Lago Atitlan, Guatemala
Those of you who know me have probably heard me lightly chatting about writing a book someday and my visions for it.
If you don’t know me, let’s just say- I’m human and suffer from “someday-ing” as much as the next guy or gal.
I humbly admit my feeling of inadequacy as the inner resistance inside me is ever so convincing that I am not worthy. That I am not wise enough. That I need to experience more to write a book. (A theme we will explore more in-depth in the book)
I was living my Frat Boy life until it all came crashing down…
Despair, anxiety, depression, psychosis, and dissociation.
In 2021 I went from a very socially active extrovert, engaging in the depths of what the college experience has to offer- to an introverted space, seeking stillness, solitude, and the opposite of my frat lifestyle.
This became the catalyst for a deep dive into the exploration of my inner landscape. One that began revealing life-enriching discoveries that have since transformed me into my yogic life of awareness, meaning, and vitality.
As the Jamaican spiritual teacher, Mooji, says, “When we are curious, we learn. When we are desperate, we discover.”
I am no guru. I am no better nor more “ascended” than anyone.
My personal tale is written from the traumas, fears, pitfalls, triumphs, and revelations I’ve experienced on my path thus far, acknowledging what is transpiring now and what is yet to come.
Many of us find ourselves living predetermined narratives of what our families, friends, and societies assigned to us. It can happen unconsciously.
And If you feel that tiny spark within that wants to break free and go your own way- you’re not alone.
As Harold Whitman reminds us,
“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
If you aren’t the one writing your own story…. Then pick up a pen and open your mind as we step into discovery.
In a commoditized world of instant gratification and addictions to things that harm us, there is a lack of space and education around finding the light within.
We hide our true nature.
We are scared to come ALIVE and become who we are destined to be.
Our inner resistance, the ego, the devil on our shoulder whisper ever so softly that we are not enough and incapable of living out our dreams.
We succumb to that daunting thought- what will others think of me if I suddenly go a different direction with my life?
My Questions to You.
Is the state of our world acceptable?
Is our systematic way of modern living, learning, and doing the most desirable way?
Do you want to continue to follow the status quo? To continue to base your daily life on false narratives, outdated science, and limiting belief systems?
Or is it time to go against the grain? To look below the surface for more natural, holistic solutions to bettering ourselves, our planet, and the collective?
Might it be time to come together and remember our true nature and place within the natural rhythms of life on Earth?
Has the moment arrived to reconnect to the wisdom of our ancestral lineages, reawaken the power of the indigenous spirit within us as beings from the Earth, and integrate it with our modern world?
Is it time we remember and repair our symbiotic connection to the natural systems within and in the natural environments around us to foster new growth.
Tend to the gardens of our soul, restoring its soil, weeding that which no longer serves, and planting seeds of hope for the blossoming of our creative spirit.
How might this be possible?
Jim Rohn states, "We generally change ourselves for one of two reasons: inspiration or desperation."
So whether this book finds you in a place to receive inspiration or crawling out from desperation- may it serve as an ally on your path.
It's possible to change ourselves through small incremental changes.
Arriving at new ways of seeing and experiencing the world.
Claiming your life as YOUR experiment- not someone else's.
Establishing your unique values.
Creating a vision for your life.
Getting to know yourself deeper.
Understanding your inclinations- rediscovering your gifts.
Finding the path that resonates with you- and then blazing a trail!
Slowly, you start writing your narrative, chucking the old, worn-out narrative away.
You rebuild from the ashes of who "THEY" thought you were and rise into who "YOU" know you are.
The changes you make within are like tiny drops of rain that become big ripples.
We collectively create new ripples when we rise together into who we are meant to be in this life. This is where profound transformation can occur.
This is how we influence healing within ourselves, our communities, and our planet.
Why should you read this?
Start the path to living life by your own design instead of the life others have scripted for you.
Open your mind to the possible life-enhancing benefits that modern neuroscience is proving behind natural remedies and ancient practices to live a more enriching life.
Expand your life “toolkit.” Accumulating new tools and strengthening old ones- you can utilize them to navigate life’s challenges when working with your inner landscape, external environment, and relationships with other beings.
Redefine what “success” looks like to you, and recognize the significance of what the Dalai Lama is trying to say by stating,
“The planet does not need more ‘successful people’; the planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of all kinds.”
This book presents discoveries that could lead to the following:
Awakened inspiration & abundant creativity
More Inner peace & harmony
Regulation in your nervous system
Improved esteem and self-confidence
Enhanced attractiveness
A sharper intellect
Mental clarity
Improved brain, body, and emotional health
Reinvigorated vitality and libido
Mitigation/prevention of sickness & common lifestyle diseases
Reduction of stress, anxiety, and depressive symptoms
Improved well-being & quality of life
My hope for readers
May the core themes and stories explored in this book be relatable to your life or someone you may know.
May its content reveal new perspectives on holistic health/lifetsyle.
May it further engrain and affirm what you may have already discovered for yourself.
May it assure YOU- that you are on the right path and the thoughts you have that others may find un-relatable are valid and worthy of exploration.
May it bring you HOPE- that things will work out. That current chapters will be lived out. New chapters will be opened, and old ones will close.
May it remind you of your divinity within. Your inherent worthiness and capability to live the life of your dreams.
May it be the nudge to follow what excites you the most.
May it spark remembrance that you are nature. That you are a living breathing organic being, made up of living cells and ecosystems.
May it reinvigorate your imagination. Your sense of adventure. And nudge you towards exploration of your inner and outer landscape, so that you may rediscover your true nature.